On February 3, 2011, I threw myself on the altar of a small church in Hawaii and received salvation through Jesus Christ. At that moment, my heart became dedicated to God. I made a vow to Him and to myself that I would follow Him with my whole heart – and never look back. 10 years later, I’m still following hard after Him and my life remains dedicated to God.
Reflecting Over the Past Decade
Less than a week after receiving salvation, all hell broke loose in my life. Financial troubles, marriage difficulties, self-esteem and confidence issues all came crashing down around me. At the lowest and most vulnerable point of my life, the only thing I had left to cling to was the promises of God, the scriptures, and the Word He had spoken over my life.
Since then, the miracles I have seen God work in my life are incomprehensible. If I told you what I’ve been through, you probably wouldn’t believe me. And that’s OK if you can’t fathom my testimony, it just proves God’s grace has covered me so well. I’m glad I don’t look like what I’ve been through.
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”
Isaiah 43:2
Want to know a secret? The cheat code to an abundant life with God is (1) learning how to hear God’s voice and (2) doing what He says to do. When God is on your team, you can’t lose. Understanding who you are in Him and aligning with who He created you to be will catapult you into your future. Choosing to live dedicated to God has great perks.
When my journey began, I slowly began to learn how to:
- hear God’s voice
- love with agape
- overcome hardships and overwhelm
- reject feelings of loneliness and rejection
- have peace
- keep going when the road gets rough
- have hope for the future
- how to forgive
If I can be completely honest, some days are still hard for me. I still struggle with social anxiety, moments of sadness, healing from offenses, lack of trust, and defensive thinking. I’m not always optimistic about living dedicated to God. But just as I’ve had unwavering confidence for the past ten years, I will continue to trust God as I heal and believe He is working all things together for my good.
But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.
psalm 1:2-3
I am not the same woman I was ten years ago, and I am very proud of it. I am stronger, more resilient, more confident in God and in myself. I don’t expect my road to be easy, but I am confident in the tools that God has given me to overcome anything the enemy throws my way.
If I had to give advice to a new Christian, I would say “your relationship with God is personal. There isn’t a right way or a wrong way, just God’s Way for you. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing your journey to others.” I made the mistake of comparing my journey and ended up becoming a carbon copy of someone else. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Consult with God and ask Him about the plans He has for YOUR LIFE.
In more recent years, I have learned:
- accepting and owning who God has created me to be
- patience
- confidence
- how to wait on God and the importance of His timing
- how to pray for my needs and the needs of others
- the power of the words I think and speak
- how to set boundaries to protect my peace
- the importance of allowing God’s people to help and cover me
Looking back, what a wild ride it has been. Although I’ve had some very hard seasons, the good times have always outweighed the bad. God truly has been so good to me, my testimony is evidence that He is faithful. I will remain dedicated to God.
I am so grateful to be alive and healthy, sharing my story of celebration and victory with all of you. Some people died before they get a chance to make it right with God – and after a year like 2020 – I never want to take life for granted again. If you are ready for your second chance with God, He is waiting for you with open arms. Don’t hesitate.
Let’s Celebrate!
Music is a big part of my life, and just like prayer, praise and worship has helped me to deepen my relationship with God. The following YouTube Playlist is of my TOP FAVORITE PRAISE AND WORSHIP songs that have carried me through the last ten years.
When I first began my journey with God, I always felt like I had to “do more”. More reading, more praying, more good deeds. However as a more mature Christian, I now understand that although those things are important, my relationship with God isn’t dependent on what I do – but Who He is.
Going Deeper
I am very intentional about spending time daily in prayer and devotion. Click here to visit my other blog Quiet Time With Jesus for more articles and scripture topics about My Christian Lifestyle. Daily time reading scripture and praying can help you to dive deeper into your relationship with God. Here area few more things I did to draw closer to God:
- Talk to him continuously. Early morning isn’t the only time I talk with God. I converse with the Holy Spirit all day long. Before bed, at the grocery store, while driving, etc. He hears everything you say, so why not direct your thoughts toward Him?
- Learn and memorize scripture. Scriptures are God’s Word. As you learn the scriptures, God’s Word is being stored in your heart. Find out what God says about you, and rehearse it day and night until you believe what the Word says. Having faith is believing that God will do everything He said He will do.
- Open your heart to the love of Jesus Christ. Building a relationship with God is like building your relationship with anyone else – it takes time and continuous effort. When building your relationship with God, you must be willing to spend time together, communicate often, listen to His instruction, and humble yourself to His guidance. It may not be easy, but God will prove to you that it was worth it.
“Give God a chance and watch Him blow your mind.”
Victoria tiffany
If you have read to this point, thank you for helping me celebrate My Reborn Day! Thank you to all of my friends and family who have prayed and continue to pray for me. I am better because of my relationship with God and my salvation in Christ. Here’s to another decade of blessings, faith, and favor! I pray this post was helpful. ❤
Until next time!
Sincerely, Victoria