Before I became a wife and a Mommy, I was just Victoria. I had hopes and dreams that centered around me and no one else. When I got married and started a family, I put those dreams on hold to be all that my husband and children needed me to be.
So many women I know have done the same and continuously devote their time and energy to making their homes a better place for their husbands and children.
Being a wife and mother is the ultimate sacrifice a woman can give.
Of all my responsibilities, being a Mommy is my favorite one. I love spending time with and building special bonds with each one of my kids. I enjoy the time I spend with them, nurturing and caring for them, and watching them grow.
But one day, my kids will grow up. They will leave home and live their own lives – fulfilling their own goals and dreams.
Though an honorable sacrifice, I always tell women not to completely give up on their dreams, passions, and desires for the sake of their family. Although you may have to put those things on hold for a season of your life, never give up on them.
When I sit down and reflect over the past and look forward to the future, I often ask myself, “besides being a wife and mother, who exactly am I?
That question inspired this journal prompt.
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