There is nothing worse than a tired, sleep-deprived Mama trying to manage a house full of people. When Mama hasn’t had enough sleep, things go missing, overlooked, and undone. Worst of all, Mommy becomes frustrated and irritated at everything and everyone because she lacks sleep.
Sleep plays a vital role in your personal self-care and overall health. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help you to be more happy, healthy, and productive.
During one of my sleep-deprived days, I lost my phone and car keys. I found them both in the refrigerator hours later.
What you do during the day affects how you sleep at night. From family and work to social media and entertainment, the world around you is constantly begging for your attention. If you want to get the best sleep possible, there are some things you should and should not do before bed.
Are you having trouble at bedtime? Here are a few simple life hacks to help you get a longer and deeper nights sleep.
5 Life Hacks to Help You Sleep Better at Night
1. Don’t go to bed on a full stomach.
The foods you eat can and will affect your sleeping patterns. Stay away from sweets and junk foods at least two hours before bed. If you are hungry, try a light snack and drink a glass of water. The best bedtime snacks include yogurt fruit, fresh veggies, and even popcorn.
2. Avoid blue light before bed.
Turn off all screens at least 30 minutes before you wind down for bed. I know it is tempting to want to scroll your feed one last time before you close your eyes for the night, but your late night scrolling is actually disrupting your sleep!
Our phones, tablets, and televisions emit artificial lighting called “blue wavelengths”. Blue waves are beneficial during daylight hours to boost attention, reaction times, and mood. However, those same blue wavelengths can stimulate your brain too much before trying to fall asleep, disrupting your natural sleep patterns.
3. Stick to a schedule.
Train your mind and your body to follow a nighttime routine during the week. By going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, your body will naturally fall into it’s own sleep patterns, causing you to sleep better at night.
4. Get Comfortable.
When it comes to falling asleep and staying asleep, I like to be as comfortable as possible. Put on your comfiest pajamas, and slip into your most cozy sheets. Take a warm bath to relax your muscles. Set your room temperature between 60 and 70 degrees fahrenheit for optimal sleep.
5. Find the right pillows and sleeping position.
When sleeping, tossing and turning throughout the night can be alleviated with the proper pillow support.
When it comes to pillows, I am very…picky. I’m like Baby Bear from the story “Goldilocks and The Three Bears” when it comes to my pillows. My pillow cannot be too hard or too soft. My pillow can’t be too fluffy or too flat. It has to be just right.
My current pillows are what I consider just right.
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